‘Pain Relief’

Is Your Cell Phone Causing Tech Neck?

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Staying connected to friends and family is easier than ever with social media. The tradeoff is that your daily screen time may be 1, 2, 3 hours or more. And let’s face it, a lot of those hours online are spent in an awkward forward head posture that experts have begun to call “tech neck.” It can result in neck pain, headaches, spinal disc issues, and even pinched nerves.


Tape: All Hype or Scientifically Sound?

Tape All Hype or Scientifically Sound

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It’s difficult to find a single sporting event where you won’t see an athlete wearing colorful tape somewhere on their body. You may have wondered what it is, and more importantly what it’s used for. The tape is called kinesio tape and was initially developed by a Chiropractor about 40 years ago. It works by providing a slight mechanical assistance to joints and muscles and by stimulating proprioception, which is your body’s ability to know where it is in space.


Finding Relief Without Drugs

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With the opioid crisis affecting millions of people, it may come as no surprise that there’s probably someone in your circle of friends and family struggling with opioid misuse or addiction. For those people, it can feel nearly impossible to find a way out. That potent combination of pain relief and euphoria, characteristic of opioids, makes them so incredibly addictive to both the brain and body. However, while opioids were once the standard, recent research has given people struggling with addiction new hope.


Opioids: By the Numbers

Bottom Line:
The opioid epidemic is one of the deadliest drug crises in our recent history. In the United States it’s estimated that over 2 million people have a problem with opioid abuse and nearly 50,000 people die each year due as a result. How did we get here? Well, in the 1990s, pharmaceutical companies began aggressively marketing these drugs to healthcare professionals, and in America’s case, to the public. Combine that lobbying with the strong pain killing nature of these medications, and it’s easy to see how so many people are at risk of slipping into addiction.


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