‘Neck Pain’

Disc Issues and Chiropractic

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Disc herniations, bulges, protrusions, and extrusions are some of the most common reasons people visit a chiropractor.

In fact, most people see a chiropractor not just because they have lower back disc issues found on imaging but because these conditions have caused a significant impact on their quality of life.

The good news? You can get natural, non-invasive treatment for a herniated disc. The research doesn’t lie and backs up what we’ve witnessed for years – chiropractic care provides outstanding results for people with spinal disc issues.


Facet Joints: Gliding Your Way to Better Health

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If you’ve had neck or back pain that you could pinpoint with your finger or felt a sharp pain in your back when moving, the cause may have been some sort of dysfunction with one or more of the facet joints of your spine. So, what are the facet joints?

Think of these joints as the “knuckles” of your spine that glide, slide, and stabilize.

They add flexibility to your spine so you’re able to bend and twist your back and also help to keep you from “over doing” any of those motions (i.e., hyperextending or hyper flexing).

Ensuring your facet joints are functioning at their best is important to making sure you’re able to move freely. If you think you might need facet joint pain treatment in Hallettsville, you’ve come to the right place! Here’s what you should know.


Postural Stress: The Link Between Tech Neck and Pain

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It’s certainly true your genetics can contribute a lot to the levels of postural stress you experience, but so can many of the small decisions you make each day. You’ve probably seen an article or two floating around the web about the relationship between tech neck and pain.

Did you know that many of us spend 2 hours or more per day on our smartphones and 5 hours or more on our computers? That adds up to thousands of hours year after year after year of you keeping your neck “stuck” in an awkward position!

Take a moment right now and check… Is your head creeping forward as you read this? If your chin is tucked down and your ears are in front of your shoulders, you are in the forward head posture called tech neck. You may have also heard this posture referred to as “text neck.”

Driving a car, working on the computer, and using a tablet or phone all usually result in this less-than-ideal posture. Over the past few years, the number of people experiencing headaches and tech neck and pain has exploded.


Improving Your Posture to Keep Your Spine Healthy

Bottom Line:
Spending more time on the couch, at your computer, and on your mobile devices has probably led you to visit Google to search for ways to start improving your posture a time or two. Those searches have probably also left you wondering… what exactly is posture?

Well, posture is the position that your body maintains while standing, sitting, or lying down. To put it another way, posture is how you hold your body. To put it yet another way, posture is the particular stance you have when sitting, standing, running, walking, sleeping, and even bending over.

Posture is one of those things that we all know we need to work on. When you slouch in your chair or stand with poor posture, you put extra strain on your joints and force your muscles to work harder, and that can result in pain.

Take your neck for example. If you sit with your head’s center of gravity aligned over the spine, your neck muscles need to do very little work. However, if you sit with your head tilted forward as you would when checking your email or social media on your phone or computer, the muscles in your neck take on the extra strain it takes to hold your head in that position. That results in a lot of extra work for your neck muscles, and your body has to compensate.

Weakened or unbalanced muscle strength can result in additional stress on your spinal joints. Over time, the additional stress caused by postural imbalances and tired muscles can lead to changes in how you move and pain.

Are you experiencing daily, nagging aches and pains? Getting a posture assessment in Hallettsville, TX is a great place to start. There are things you can do from the comfort of your own home as well.


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