‘Healthy Living’

Improving Your Posture to Keep Your Spine Healthy

Bottom Line:
Spending more time on the couch, at your computer, and on your mobile devices has probably led you to visit Google to search for ways to start improving your posture a time or two. Those searches have probably also left you wondering… what exactly is posture?

Well, posture is the position that your body maintains while standing, sitting, or lying down. To put it another way, posture is how you hold your body. To put it yet another way, posture is the particular stance you have when sitting, standing, running, walking, sleeping, and even bending over.

Posture is one of those things that we all know we need to work on. When you slouch in your chair or stand with poor posture, you put extra strain on your joints and force your muscles to work harder, and that can result in pain.

Take your neck for example. If you sit with your head’s center of gravity aligned over the spine, your neck muscles need to do very little work. However, if you sit with your head tilted forward as you would when checking your email or social media on your phone or computer, the muscles in your neck take on the extra strain it takes to hold your head in that position. That results in a lot of extra work for your neck muscles, and your body has to compensate.

Weakened or unbalanced muscle strength can result in additional stress on your spinal joints. Over time, the additional stress caused by postural imbalances and tired muscles can lead to changes in how you move and pain.

Are you experiencing daily, nagging aches and pains? Getting a posture assessment in Hallettsville, TX is a great place to start. There are things you can do from the comfort of your own home as well.


Is There a Perfect Posture?

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“Sit up straight and stop slouching!” You’ve likely heard this since childhood, and for good reason. Poor posture as a kid can create health challenges later in life.

Rounded shoulders (scapular protrusion), swayback (lumbar hyperlordosis) and a hunched upper back (thoracic hyperkyphosis) are all postural imbalances that place a tremendous amount of stress on the spine. When those imbalances persist, the muscles supporting your spine must work harder to support your body weight, and that can result in pain.

If you’re experiencing daily aches and pains, seeing a posture rehab chiropractor in Hallettsville, TX is a great place to start. Abnormal postures have been linked to depression, decreases in energy, headaches, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Maintaining good posture as you age can help keep any unnecessary stress off your spine and joints, which will improve your overall spinal health for years to come.

Additionally, your ability to move through a full range of motion without pain plays a big role in how your posture looks when you’re not moving. But is there such a thing as perfect posture?

Well, the idea of perfect posture is a bit complicated. The latest research shows that it makes more sense to think about your posture as dynamic, not static. That’s because your ideal or perfect posture is constantly changing and evolving.


Pro Tips to Keep Your Spinal Discs Healthy

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Not everyone spends their entire week preparing to “play on Sunday.” Our “big game” for the week is more likely to take place in a conference room or on a Zoom call than in a stadium.

Yes, most of us are probably not going to start our professional lives playing in the NFL – or the NBA, NHL, MLB, Premier League, Champions League, etc. (though you never know!).

Instead of lifting weights and working with the coach on a new play, your weekdays may be spent sitting at a desk performing mental jumping jacks for hours at a time. And we can all agree that whether we’re working out or just working, it’s no fun doing it in pain!

Now, you may be wondering why we’re comparing professional athletes to “office” professionals.

Get this.

Research has shown that all the hours we spend sitting at our desks can place more stress on our spines than working out all day long!


Design a Year of Abundant Health

Bottom Line:
Designing a year of abundant health starts with ensuring you’re setting SMART goals and taking proactive daily steps to help your body function at its best.

Motion is life.

Movement and exercise are the essential foundations to living your best life. Not only does motion help you feel better physically – research also shows daily movement and exercise can help your brain stay sharp and focused.


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