‘Extremity Pain’

Your Hip and SI Joint: What’s the Difference?

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While figuring out the difference between hip and SI (sacroiliac) joint pain can be extremely confusing, being able to identify which one is the culprit is crucial when you’re looking for relief.

Your SI joint connects your sacrum and your pelvis.

It’s very fibrous and has a limited range of motion – just a few millimeters.

Your hip, on the other hand, is much less stable with a wide range of motion, allowing the leg to move freely in every plane.


Shoulder Pain: How to Find Relief

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Did you know… your shoulder is the most unstable and moveable joint in your body. Its wide range of motion is facilitated by four primary muscles and their tendons, which together are called the rotator cuff.

If your shoulder becomes inflamed or an impingement occurs, you may make the mistake of avoiding using your arm to help it heal. It may surprise you to learn that controlled movement is one of the best ways to heal.

Not moving your shoulder can actually contribute to more pain – or even lead to a frozen shoulder!


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