‘Back Pain’

The Top Causes of Sciatica Revealed

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Here’s something that might surprise you as you learn about the top causes of sciatica.
Sciatica is not a condition, disorder, or diagnosis in and of itself. Sciatica pain can be described as dull, achy, sharp, or shooting pain in the lower back and hip, buttock, and leg on one side of the body. Some people may also experience burning, numbness, or tingling sensations.

When someone says they “have sciatica,” what they really have is a very specific set of symptoms hinting at an underlying condition causing the sciatica.

Many of our sciatica patients often comment that they don’t know how they hurt their back, and that actually makes sense. So what is the underlying condition 99.9% of the time? Most all the top causes of sciatica are linked to the irritation, compression, or impingement of a sciatic nerve.


What You Need to Know About Sciatica

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Let’s dive right into what you need to know about sciatica. To understand what sciatica is, it helps to think of sciatica more as a set of symptoms than a condition. When you hear someone say they “have sciatica,” what they have is pain, numbness, or tingling that starts in their low back or buttocks and extends through the lower extremity on one side of their body.

Sciatica can be excruciatingly painful, and it can also become chronic.

That’s why it’s a smart idea to seek out a chiropractor specializing in sciatica treatment in Lavaca County.

Here’s what you need to know about sciatica and how it develops. If a nerve in your low back is compressed or “pinched”, your body will quickly let you know about it with a jolt of pain.


What is Sciatica?

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Nearly everyone will have back pain at some point in their life, but with true sciatica —you’ll know something is different right away!

So, what is sciatica? What is sciatica pain like?

Sciatica really describes a set of symptoms rather than a condition. The most common symptom can be described as pain that begins in your lower back, travels down through your buttocks, and extends down your leg, usually on just one side of the body.

The shooting pain down your leg is often caused by compression of the sciatic nerve or one or more of the other nerves exiting your spine. Even a tiny amount of pressure can result in a tremendous amount of pain.

Getting rid of the associated inflammation and then opening up space for the nerve are both essential beginning steps to finding relief.

That’s where we come in as chiropractors.

If you’re looking for a sciatica doctor in Hallettsville, TX, you’ve come to the right place.

We specialize in providing gentle spinal manipulative therapy to help you fix your sciatica pain naturally. The severity of sciatica pain causes many people to think their “condition” is so serious it can only be healed by a surgeon. Or that they must get spinal injections. Or that they must resort to prescription pain medications.

So, when patients are told that chiropractic treatment can provide the same level of pain relief as those invasive interventions — it sounds too good to be true.


The Most Common Injuries After a Car Accident

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Whether you are just driving to work or taking a big family vacation, an unexpected car accident can cause painful injuries that impact you for months and years to come. The weight of your vehicle combined with motion and speed can create a tremendous amount of force.

Even low-speed collisions can generate enough force to cause significant injury. Whatever the details, one thing remains true. Much of that force gets transferred directly to your body! The violent forces that occur during an auto accident can cause damage to your spinal discs, ligaments, tendons, and bones-even at “low” speeds.

Most common injuries after a car accident happen because your head is whipped backward and forward very quickly. This rapid back and forth motion frequently results in ligament tearing and spinal disc injuries. Symptoms such as neck pain, back pain, headaches, confusion, and even depression may indicate that you’ve suffered a whiplash injury.


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