Let’s go ahead and lay all of our collective cards out on the table. Most of us spend way, way more time sitting at our computers or sitting down with our digital devices than we know we should. And, honestly, most of us are living with aches or pains as a result that we don’t really want anyone to know about.
Our necks hurt. Our backs hurt. And often time our legs hurt?
Yep. If you spend your days working at a desk, we’re willing to bet you know exactly what we’re talking about. So, why does this happen and what can be done to help take care of all of the above?
Bottom Line:
It may seem odd to think that nagging leg, calf, or foot pain could be traced back to a low back problem, but if you’ve had pain in your leg or foot, a pinched nerve in your low back may be creating your issue!
As the go-to back pain specialist in Hallettsville, this is something we see nearly every day in our practice.
Pain that travels along a spinal nerve is called radicular pain, and it’s one of the most common types of pain that occurs as a result of spinal nerve compression. Nerve compression is often what causes back and leg pain to appear at the same time. If a nerve in your low back is compressed or “pinched”, your body is sure to let you know.
Why it Matters:
Pain is your body’s way of saying “pay attention inside now!” It’s your body’s way of letting you know you’ve pushed past its limits.
When a nerve is compressed or irritated — be it from a herniated spinal disc, bone spur, or ligament overgrowth — it can become inflamed and painful.
What Causes Back and Leg Pain
Your spinal nerves can be pinched or compressed by a bone, disc, or ligament.
Let’s take a closer look at each scenario…
Whichever may be causing your pain, it’s important to know that all have a great chance of recovering without the need for drugs or surgery.
Top research publications have shown that people struggling with sciatica pain can get fantastic results with chiropractic care. The numbers don’t lie.
Sciatica pain is as an example of back and leg pain. In one widely circulated study, researchers observed that 89% of patients suffering from symptomatic sciatica responded very well to chiropractic adjustments.
In another recent study, researchers found that 60% of participants with symptomatic cases of sciatica benefitted from chiropractic adjustments to the same degree as if they underwent surgical intervention (again, without any of the risks!).
What many may not know is that in addition to adjustments, exercise and rehab can also help strengthen the muscles supporting your spine to reduce the likelihood of a relapse.
Next Steps:
Starting with chiropractic care is the smartest decision you can make.
In our practice in Hallettsville, we utilize various treatments, including adjustments, to correct spinal conditions such as herniated discs to help relieve your leg and back pain and help prevent it from recurring.
Our mission is to help people treat their compressed nerves and regain their quality of life.
Reducing inflammation, establishing proper joint motion, and taking proactive steps to reduce the likelihood of the pain returning are all part of our care plans.
If you want to find out what’s causing your leg and low back pain, give us a call today!
Science Source:
(1) Radiculopathy. Johns Hopkins Medicine. 2023.
by Christopher Freytag, D.C.
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