‘Spinal Injections’

Injections Can Be Back Breaking

Injections Can Be Back BreakingBottom Line:
Did you know researchers have discovered a correlation between epidural steroid injections and spinal fracture risk? Specifically, new studies have indicated that there is a 21% increase in the risk of a patient experiencing a cracked or broken back after receiving an epidural steroid injection. The scary part is, over 9 million of these injections are given every year for spinal pain! (more…)

Can Pain Be a Good Thing?

Can Pain Be a Good ThingBottom Line:
Pain is your body’s way of signaling to you that something needs your attention. In other words, when a problem occurs in your body due to ergonomic stress, spinal imbalance, or degenerative changes, it uses pain to get you to take action and correct the problem. Think of PAIN as your body saying: “Pay Attention Inside Now!”

Believe it or not, pain is usually the last thing to show up and the first thing to leave after an injury. Just because your pain goes away, doesn’t mean the root cause that lead to that pain has been corrected. Many pain relief methods simply mask symptoms. Chiropractic adjustments work to provide pain relief while also correcting the underlying problem. (more…)

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