
4 Steps to a Healthy Birth

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With all of the advances in medical science, it may come as a surprise to discover that many of the technological interventions used in modern maternity management don’t seem very evidence based. Afterall, the natural birth process is designed to be relatively simple – it’s been going on for hundreds of thousands of years! A woman’s own body can grow, birth, and nourish a baby.


NSAID Risks: Making Smart Healthcare Decisions During Pregnancy

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Pregnant women are certainly not immune to aches and pains. In fact, it’s estimated that over 85% of expecting mothers will deal with back pain. Finding relief without the use of medication is almost always the best route for the health of mom and baby. Even over-the-counter medications can be risky to take before and during pregnancy.


Tips to Relieve Back Pain During Pregnancy

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An estimated 85% of women experience back pain during pregnancy. Why? As a woman enters her second or third trimester, her growing baby pulls her body’s center of gravity forward, which in turn increases the curve of her low back. That increased amount of stress on the low back often leads to pain.


Pregnancy: How Your Body Changes

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A woman’s body undergoes many transformations during the nine months of pregnancy. Some of these changes are visible, such as an expanding belly, while others, such as morning sickness and backaches, may not be as visible but are equally well known. Then there a few body changes are often unexpected and catch some women by surprise.


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