Bottom Line:
Slipped or herniated discs happen when the inside of your spinal disc pushes through the disc’s exterior. Believe it or not, most herniated discs don’t cause any pain or symptoms. However, if you are struggling with sudden pain after lifting or twisting, a herniated disc certainly may be to blame.
Why it Matters:
As you age, your spinal discs become less flexible, and that can make you more prone to tearing or herniating a disc as you lift or twist. The good news is that over 95% of spinal disc herniations can be resolved without drugs or surgery.
Here are a few tips to recover from a herniated disc:
Next Steps:
Many leading healthcare organizations have recommended chiropractic care for the care and treatment of disc issues. Discover more information to improve your health by visiting our website and Facebook Page today.
Science Source(s):
(1) Herniated Disc. Mayo Clinic 2020
(2) Effect of Lumbar Stabilization Exercise on Disc Herniation Index, Sacral Angle, and Functional Improvement in Patients With Lumbar Disc Herniation. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2017
by Christopher Freytag, D.C.
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